The company

For over 20 years, Geomatys has been providing expertise in geodesy, complex data processing and advanced representation modes.

Who are we ?


The geospatial sector generates exponential quantities of data

Geomatys develops high-performance infrastructures designed to absorb and exploit massive volumes of geospatial data generated by satellites, sensors, web scraping, etc... These sources continuously produce essential geolocated information for many sectors, whether it’s fleet management, environmental monitoring, or tracking critical infrastructures. Our datalakes and cloud-native platforms solutions allow us to organize, cross, and analyze these heterogeneous data to extract strategic insights.

Our expertise is based on advanced technologies such as cloud computing, distributed processing, and metadata optimization. We use solutions like Hadoop/Cloudera and Kubernetes, coupled with scalable storage systems (Ceph, Rook, Swift, S3), to ensure scalability and resilience tailored to the challenges of geospatial big data. We have notably contributed to strategic projects like SparkInData, GeoSUD, and CreoDIAS, facilitating access to and exploitation of large-scale spatial data.

In the face of sovereignty challenges and the specific needs of sensitive sectors like Defense and Health, we have gradually deployed our own cloud infrastructure, ensuring full control over data hosting and security. This approach allows us to support our clients in implementing solutions tailored to their regulatory and strategic constraints, while ensuring a high level of performance and confidentiality.

Mercator Ocean

Geomatys’ activity in the field of Geo-datascience is not confined to the implementation of proven solutions such as Computer Vision for the automatic detection of objects in satellite images, photos or videos, but extends to the whole algorithmic field of artificial intelligence in order to seek new outlets for the application of machine learning or deep learning for the development of rapid mapping solutions and behavioral analysis. Our teams are currently working on several R&D projects in these fields.


The multiplication of geospatial data sources, the ever-increasing need for real-time analysis, and the growing power and maturity of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies, have all contributed to the evolution of geographic information processing.


Geomatys pushes the boundaries of mapping by integrating 3D/4D geospatial streams to visualize complex data from meteorology, oceanography, and other multidimensional fields. Thanks to recognized standards from the Open Geospatial Consortium like 3D-Tiles, our solutions ensure accurate and high-performance rendering.

Our Examind technology easily converts 2D data into 3D/4D streams, optimized for web platforms like CesiumJS and game engines Unreal Engine and Unity. Our R&D teams have even developed a 3D-Tiles plug-in for seamless integration, paving the way for innovative applications in geospatial simulation, Serious Games, and digital twins.


With Geomatys, unlock the full potential of geographic data with immersive, interactive visualizations for the most demanding sectors.

Our fields


We have been active in the defense sector for over 10 years, in particular through large-scale projects for industrial players in this field. Our strong involvement in the maritime and naval sector has also led us to work on a recurring basis for the French Navy, on themes often mobilizing the full spectrum of our teams’ skills.

Our key projects

Discover our projects related to defence industry


The Examind platform embodies Geomatys' expertise in managing and exploiting large-scale geospatial data. With a Datalake integrating global data and real-time streams, it enables the creation of precise and dynamic digital twins.

Our key projects

Learn more about our digital twins projects

With Examind, organizations can visualize, analyze, and exploit their geospatial data in 3D/4D, integrate real-time sensors (OGC SensorThings), and enrich their models with OSINT sources. This robust technology adapts to the needs of Defense, Smart Cities, Environment, or Serious Gaming, offering powerful tools for simulation, strategic monitoring, and geospatial intelligence.


By combining technological sovereignty and innovation, Geomatys provides a turnkey solution to take full advantage of geospatial data and transform strategic decision-making.


Geomatys has been involved in Earth Observation data issues since the company was founded, and in a more sustained way over the last ten years, through projects carried out for CNES, ESA, and RESTEC, a subsidiary of the Japanese space agency (JAXA). The work carried out for these organizations ranges from R&T programs to the production of operational solutions.

Our key projects

Découvrez ce que l’on fait de mieux en matière d’observation de la Terre

Among the most emblematic of our achievements in this sector includes the creation of a metadata catalog for all CNES missions, a Cloud-based maritime surveillance application making privileged use of the marine observation data produced by JAXA satellites, and more recently the creation of an ARD (Analysis Ready Data) mode service for the exploitation of GCOM satellite data produced by the Japanese Space Agency. This solution combines the use of Examind Server’s geospatial webservices with the bigdata processing capabilities of the Examind Datacube module. The project makes it possible to deliver elaborate products from raw GCOM data, without having to pre-calculate intermediate products


Geomatys plays an active role in the development of environmental projects, thanks in particular to long-standing collaborations with organizations in the sector.

Our key projects

Find out what we do best for the environment

Geomatys teams have thus been able to participate in the development of infrastructures for monitoring/managing biodiversity, or risk management (dykes, industrial structures)

Thanks to this expertise, the company now publishes two SaaS solutions closely linked to environmental themes:

Every drinking water producer carries out water analyses. AQUALIT is a SaaS platform that gives any producer controlled access to their data, facilitating analysis and anticipating changes in water resources. 

ShoreInt brings together applications that put artificial intelligence and Big Data at the service of decision-makers, coastal managers and scientists. ShoreInt enables in-depth, real-time analysis of coastal data, facilitating informed decision-making and the implementation of sustainable strategies to protect and value our coasts.


Since 2020, Geomatys has been working on a research and development project to design Epiwise, a platform for anticipating public health risks impacted by environmental conditions and human behaviors. The aim is to enable access to the power of geo-intelligence applied to epidemic risk stratification, early warning, and response services for governments and industry. We’re partnering with academic researchers from around the globe to develop a cutting edge, sustainable resource that can be both useful and easy to use.

Visit EpiWise website

Learn more about the project

Ajoutez une dimension à vos projets.

Découvrez  Examind, notre suite logicielle pour le développement d’infrastructures de traitement de données géospatiales.

A word from ou co-founder and CEO

Geomatys has been designing geospatial solutions for over 18 years. We have put this time to good use, designing from scratch an entire technological universe dedicated to the exploitation of spatio-temporal information. This work led to the design of Apache-SIS, an open-source library (Apache 2 License) offering all the geospatial primitives we use on a daily basis for our developments, as well as the Examind software suite, whose capabilities enable us to interface with datalakes, offer data fusion and cross-referencing mechanisms using a Datacube solution, and process and transform information in spatial and temporal dimensions to provide ever more advanced analyses. Finally, we have leveraged this know-how to represent geographic data in all these dimensions, and produce digital twin solutions running on Web and Desktop clients. Building on this know-how, we are now focusing on specific business areas, providing software services and developing new structures for fields such as water and the environment, health and marine pollution control.
Vincent Heurteaux, PDG de Geomatys
Vincent Heurteaux
Geomatys CEO