Geomatys propose son expertise dans le domaine de la géodésie, l’exploitation et le traitement de données complexes, de la métadonné géospatiale, ou des modes de représentation avancés. Notre capacité à innover dans ce secteur nous positionne sur des secteurs d’activité tels que la Défense, le Spatial, la Recherche et plus généralement les projets en demande d’innovation.
The geospatial sector generates exponential quantities of data :
Satellite imagery, with its ever-increasing spatial and temporal resolution, combined with the proliferation and diversification of sensors and connected objects, and open-source data made available by major government programs.
Spatial location data from major GNSS programs such as GPS and Galileo, enabling near-real-time tracking of fleets of ships, aircraft and land vehicles.
Geolocalized data from smartphones, geographical references in web content, in-situ sensors and connected objects.
The sheer volume of this data requires the implementation of new approaches to the exploitation of geographic information. The combination of metadata processing, the implementation of distributed computing and information storage techniques, and the exploitation of cloud-computing infrastructures, now make it possible to assimilate unprecedented quantities of information. Geolocalized data from smartphones, geographical references contained in web content or in-situ sensors and connected objects have become ubiquitous. Our work covers the creation of geospatial Datalakes, their integration into public or private cloud infrastructures, and the creation of geospatial data infrastructures capable of scaling up. This expertise has led to the creation of platforms for cataloging and processing satellite data (GeoSUD, etc.); participation in the development of earth observation Datalakes (CreoDIAS); and the creation of OSINT Datalakes for analysis needs in the defense sector to combine sensor, earth observation, and web-scraping databases.
Managing large quantities of data requires the use of high-capacity infrastructures, whether for data storage or processing.
Strongly aware of data sovereignty issues, whether through Healthcare or Defense issues, our teams have been hard at work since 2014 architecting and implementing geospatial datalake and distributed computing solutions, first with Hadoop/Cloudera technologies, then Kubernetes associated with storage solutions based on distributed file systems such as Ceph/Rook, or object storage solutions (Swift, S3). This expertise, gained through collaborative projects such as SparkInData (in collaboration with Atos and CNES), or through contracts with industry, has gradually led us to self-host our own private cloud, and manage our own Kubernetes infrastructure. This infrastructure expertise has also been a great help in defining the architectural outlines of the software solutions we develop.
Today, we develop cloud-native solutions that we test and validate on our own infrastructures before putting them into production on third-party environments. These ten years of expertise enable us to support our customers in the definition, implementation and maintenance of their own private clouds.
The multiplication of geospatial data sources, the ever-increasing need for real-time analysis, and the growing power and maturity of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies, have all contributed to the evolution of geographic information processing.
Building on our expertise in geoprocessing, Geomatys’ teams have transformed this know-how into a geo-intelligence business leveraging massive data processing and integration, near real-time information flow processing, and the use of Artificial Intelligence methods to detect objects or behavioral patterns. Algorithmic exploration combining Earth observation data, object trajectories, and information flows from sensors or synthetic sources has led Geomatys teams to design a Geo-datascience workshop based on the Examind technical universe, enabling very large quantities of geospatial data to be exploited with the tools commonly used by datascientists.
Geomatys’ activity in the field of Geo-datascience is not confined to the implementation of proven solutions such as Computer Vision for the automatic detection of objects in satellite images, photos or videos, but extends to the whole algorithmic field of artificial intelligence in order to seek new outlets for the application of machine learning or deep learning for the development of rapid mapping solutions and behavioral analysis. Our teams are currently working on several R&D projects in these fields.
The exploitation of geospatial data processing results naturally in cartographic representation as its ultimate goal. Very early on, Geomatys, driven by the need to visualize the results of multi-dimensional data processing (meteorology, oceanography, etc.), envisaged 3D/4D cartographic representation modes. This activity was reinforced by the emergence of community standards approved by the Open Geospatial Consortium, such as the 3D/4D geospatial streaming format, 3D-Tiles.
These standards were rapidly implemented in the Examind technological universe, and Geomatys now offers a solution for transforming 2D geo-referenced data sources into 3D/4D data streams for display on 3D web clients such as CesiumJS, but also on game engines such as Unreal Engine, or Unity, for which Geomatys R&D teams have developed a 3D-Tiles plug-in. This permeability between Geographic Information Systems and the world of video games opens up the solutions we develop to the world of “Serious-Games”, Geo-spatial simulation, and the booming sector of Digital Twins.
Les activités de Geomatys dans le domaine de la simulation et du développement de jumeaux numériques s’appuient principalement sur l’environnement technologique souverain développé par les équipes de la société.
The Examind platform capitalizes on the company’s expertise in the exploitation of high-volume geospatial data, combined with the ability to transform and distribute 3D/4D geospatial flows.
This solution consists of a Datalake containing geographic data on a global scale, enabling it to constitute a virtual globe solution based on open-source data. EXAMIND’s ability to handle new information sources and transpose them into this 3D/4D geospatial universe, to integrate real-time data sources based on the OGC SensorThings standard, and to offer on-the-fly GeoInt processing, makes it possible to create digital terrestrial twins by combining OSINT data and proprietary client information sources.
This permeability between Geographic Information Systems and the world of video games opens up the solutions we develop to the world of “Serious-Games”, virtual and augmented realities, Geo-spatial simulation, and the booming Digital Twins sector.
We have been active in the defense sector for over 10 years, in particular through large-scale projects for industrial players in this field. Our strong involvement in the maritime and naval sector has also led us to work on a recurring basis for the French Navy, on themes often mobilizing the full spectrum of our teams’ skills.
Over the years, we have extended the capabilities of our tools to include data formats specific to the defense industry. The Examind Server solution and the Examind SDK geospatial development kit have also been used as components of solutions ranging from data production and GeoInt processing to the development of a geospatial engine for a combat system and a set of simulators
Geomatys has been involved in Earth Observation data issues since the company was founded, and in a more sustained way over the last ten years, through projects carried out for CNES, ESA, and RESTEC, a subsidiary of the Japanese space agency (JAXA). The work carried out for these organizations ranges from R&T programs to the production of operational solutions.
Among the most emblematic of our achievements in this sector includes the creation of a metadata catalog for all CNES missions, a Cloud-based maritime surveillance application making privileged use of the marine observation data produced by JAXA satellites, and more recently the creation of an ARD (Analysis Ready Data) mode service for the exploitation of GCOM satellite data produced by the Japanese Space Agency. This solution combines the use of Examind Server’s geospatial webservices with the bigdata processing capabilities of the Examind Datacube module. The project makes it possible to deliver elaborate products from raw GCOM data, without having to pre-calculate intermediate products
Long-standing collaborations with public organizations such as the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the French Institute for Ocean Science (IFREMER), local authorities and other local players have enabled us to design solutions in sectors such as Earth Observation for Environment and Health, oceanographic services, biodiversity monitoring and management, and risk management (dykes, industrial structures).
Part of this expertise is now being applied in the implementation of Aqualit SaaS solution, dedicated to the management of municipal drinking-water quality.
Depuis 2020, nous travaillons sur une piste de recherche et développement visant à concevoir EpiWise, une plateforme d’anticipation des menaces épidemiologiques influencées par la fluctuation ou l’émergence de facteurs environnementaux. Ces travaux visent à donner accès à la géo-intelligence aux décideurs des secteurs de la santé publique et de l’industrie.